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Donation Bracelet
The Bracelet

Bow ties, ties & co

Donation Bracelet
Donation Bracelet Ukraine
Show your solidarity with Ukraine.
We will donate 10 EURO proceeds from your purchase to "Deutschland hilft".
Please select client   Oder Neukunden anlegen
Enter bracelet length
Finished bracelet length: cm
Please enter the finished desired length of the bracelet above.
The best way is to simply put a string around the wrist
and thus simulate the size of the bracelet.
Then measure the length of the string.
This is then the finished length of the bracelet.
Formula: Wrist body measurement +3 cm

Please choose clasp
Please choose band
16,72 zzgl. MwSt.

Please include postage paid with my next shirt delivery
ATTENTION! In order to include the bracelet in your next shirt delivery, the bracelet order must be received no later than Thursday evening!

One time presentation copy
One time presentation copy